Chinese Zodiac 2048


Combine zodiac animals to complete the cycle!
Match the tiles and discover the zodiac story!

How to play: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one!

The Chinese Zodiac Story

The Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao (生肖), is a repeating 12-year cycle of animal signs. According to legend, the Jade Emperor held a great race across a river to determine the order of the zodiac animals. The clever Rat, hardworking Ox, brave Tiger, and nine other animals each earned their place in this ancient tradition.

The Zodiac Cycle in Our Game

In this special edition of 2048, we've incorporated all twelve zodiac animals in their traditional order:

  • Start with the Rat (鼠) and Ox (牛)
  • Combine them to create the Tiger (虎)
  • Progress through Rabbit (兔), Dragon (龙), Snake (蛇)
  • Continue with Horse (马), Goat (羊), Monkey (猴)
  • Finally reach Rooster (鸡), Dog (狗), and Pig (猪)

Cultural Significance

Each zodiac animal carries unique characteristics and symbolism in Chinese culture. As you play, you'll discover the complete cycle of these beloved zodiac animals, making this more than just a game - it's a journey through Chinese tradition.